DE&I Sub-Committee Session: The Aging and Retiring Workforce and Career Transition

Concurrent Session

Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM


The changing landscape of an aging and retiring workforce calls for an awareness of factors that we and our clients may face in planning for this transition, which may be very different from what we once envisioned or planned.

The confidence level of most Americans facing retirement, while slightly improved over prior years, finds that more than half are concerned with financial security even when compromising their current standard of living. These scores become less favorable when factoring in racial, social economic, gender, disability and LBGTQ+ factors.

This presentation will take a closer look at the diverse challenges tied to the shift from work life to retirement. Rethinking what retirement means and may look like will help disability and case managers identify for themselves and their clients how to leverage skills and talents to bridge gaps in various aspects of a retirement plan; financially, emotionally, and socially. We'll dive into these aspects of retirement to demonstrate how they will not only provide value to the individual but also enrich society and our profession.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify dependencies and options from the transition from full-time to part-time work or volunteer opportunities

  • Explore and discuss unique challenges that may impact retirement planning for members of diverse groups

  • Integrate support system experiences and opportunities for community connections and contributions

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the post-retirement plan