Leadership and Communication: Health Care 2024

Concurrent Session

Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
Time: 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM


In this current post-pandemic healthcare world, leadership has changed drastically from the leadership of the past. With a wave of new generational employees in the workforce and significant numbers of healthcare workers leaving for other opportunities, there must be greater emphasis placed on understanding, patience, and education from a leadership standpoint.

For care and/or disability management health leadership to be effective and well-rounded, the leader must be experienced so that the leader is not learning the necessary skills alongside inexperienced employees. While leaders should be constantly reassessing their leadership skills and traits, and evaluating their effectiveness through team morale, performance, and growth, they should also be clinically sound in the field of case or disability management so they can serve as a resource and safety net for the benefit of the program they lead and the clients the team serves.

Leadership styles vary across different genres of healthcare, but one thing should remain steadfast: the employee feels as if they are trusted, valued, and appreciated team members at all times. The leader should always lead by example, be approachable and available, and be understanding and compassionate to the needs and concerns of the employee.

The healthcare leader in 2024 should bear little resemblance to the leaders of the past. The healthcare leader of 2024 should not be feared by employees, and the team should not avoid them, separating the team from the leadership. An effective leader following the right cues will be respected and revered, but will also be viewed by the team as an approachable, genuine team member. Effective, understanding, and pragmatic leadership results in more productive, steadfast, and loyal team members which, in turn, results in better patient care and outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how leadership, to be effective, has to have evolved from leadership of the past

  • Describe leadership strategies and how best to apply them to their organization/team

  • Demonstrate how to provide effective leadership to their team while still advocating for their team members and respecting upper management/corporate/company expectations